- The Holy Bible as the infallible, written Word of God.
- The God of Creation – Who manifests Himself in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- The virgin birth of Jesus, the Christ.
- The deity of Jesus, the Christ.
- The salvation of sinners by faith through the atonement of Jesus, the Christ.
- The guidance of our life through prayer to the Father, through Jesus, the Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit.
- The visible and eternal reign of the Savior – Jesus, the Christ.
The American Evangelical Christian Churches (aka AECC), formed in 1944, is a conservative and evangelical Christian denomination. Members of the AECC have a wide variety of theological views. The AECC is not committed to man-made ecclesiastical standards or doctrines. The AECC does not advocate extremism or fanaticism of any kind. On the other hand, if judged by the Word of God as authoritative, the doctrinal position of the AECC is fundamentally sound and as such, many persons are attracted to it by its evangelical and its orthodox character. The AECC believes everyone should enjoy the freedom to proclaim the Word of God as imparted to them by the Holy Spirit. Our mission is to serve our immediate church community by implementing the Great Commission as found in Matthew 28: 18-20 and ministering to the needs of Gods people as found in Matthew 25: 35-40. In order to accomplish this we reach out and accept into membership those who believe the Bible to be the infallible, inerrant Word of God and who are called into His ministry. Our mission is to create a body of believers where we as individuals can realize God in our lives and model, teach, call forth, and celebrate the integrity of the sprit, mind and body in all that we do. The American Evangelical Christian Churches is an inter-doctrinal ecclesiastical body composed of groups and individuals whose doctrinal views concerning the “essentials” of the Christian faith are their common denominator. To be eligible for membership in the American Evangelical Christian Churches, all applicants must subscribe to the Articles of Faith: Presently seeking to spread the Gospel and impact the next generation of world changers for Jesus, Rev. Renn launched Most High King Ministries in Orlando, FL. Current and Serving president of the AECC. Dawn M. Reyes, She is a missionary and publisher, is the founder of At His Feet Ministries. She has been in ministry for 27 years. Pastor Dawn has been married to Richard for 26 years, and has two beautiful daughters, Zuriel and Jourdan. They reside in Trenton, New Jersey. She was ordained with the AECC in 2015. Michigan State Graduate Paul Chimienti became a Licensed Minister with the AECC in 2004. Since retiring in 2015, Paul has further developed his preaching and teaching ministry and volunteers weekly at Hope Ministries. He serves on the Deacon Board at Southgate Church (Assemblies of God) in South Bend, IN. Founder and Senior Pastor of Joshua House Ministries, Pastor Chuck became an AECC Licensed minister in 1999 and became Ordained on September 11, 2003. Joshua House also became an AECC Chartered Church in 2006. Rev. Merle R. Fredericks became a licensed minister with the AECC in April 2021. Merle was invited to serve on the AECC Advisory Committee in June 2021 and has served in said capacity since July 2021. Pastor Dan Zahn a licensed Architect and construction company executive prior to retiring in 2004. Dan is an associate pastor at The Great Outdoors Community Church and serves as its pastor of visitation and prayer. The AECC has divided up the continental United States into 10 regions, based on membership living in that area. For more information regarding conference, contact the regional director’s listed, or email via contact request … info@aeccministries.com. If your region has no conference scheduled at this time please feel free to attend and support a conference nearest you! Peace and Blessings! Glendale Christian Lighthouse Church Ebenezer Bible Church, Mt. Our History
What We Believe
The “essentials” per the AECC Articles of Faith are:
Our deeply committed
Rev. Renn Law
AECC President
Rev. Dawn Reyes
Secretary & Co-Missions Director
Rev. Paul Chimienti
Treasurer & Financial Advisor
Rev. Charles Reynolds
Mission + Operations Director
Rev. Merle Fredricks
Marketing + Promotions Director
Rev. Dan Zahn
Pastoral Care Director
Jessica Polzella
Financial Bookkeeper
Rev. Julie Alexander
Administrative Assistant
Dr. Jomo Thomas II
AEBC Interim Chancellor
Our honorable
Regional Directors
Region 1 – New England (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT)
Rev. Larry Russi, Regional Director
AECC Regional Director
Everett, MA Region 2 – Northeast (NJ, NY, PA)
Rev. Jesse Bingaman
AECC Regional Director
Pleasant Mills, PA